var perfect = readInt("how many perfects did u get "); var great = readInt("how many greats did u get "); var good = readInt("how many goods did u get "); var bad = readInt("how many bads did u get "); var miss = readInt("how many times did u miss "); //divides other judgements to simulate getting less acc for a worse hit var greatValue = great/2; var goodValue = good/4; var badValue = bad/8; println("") //calculates total notes var total = perfect+great+good+bad+miss; //adds pures and fars, this will be multiplid by 100 to make it a 2 digit number isntead of a decimal var value = perfect+greatValue+goodValue+badValue; //multiplies ur value by 100 to make sure its a 2digit number, (so its a 95% instead of 0.95) var result = (value/total)*100; //rounds var round = Math.round((result + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100 println(""); //seperates result for easier reading println("ur acc is "+round+"%");